John 19:30 SAYS ''So when Jesus had the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit''
When this text says ''it is finished'' this suggest to me that Jesus has done everything on earth that HE was going to do..... No more healing, no more miracles, no more Jesus in a physical sense NOW HE SITS AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER....

So the prophesy that Jesus gave about his death has come to pass and as he says ''it is finished''
and at this point there has to be action by the people who ''believes''
but Jesus said one Key thing in John 14:16 that we missed '' And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another helper, that He may abide with you forever

Helper.......hmmmm.....what is is that Jesus will pray and give us after his work is ''FINISHED''?
helper in the Greek means Parakletos which means comforter, consoler, advocate, or one who is going to plead our case against judgment....
So When Jesus earthly work is FINISHED the holy spirit will be what is going to comfort us believers or be our guide spiritually in a physical world...
I'm saying this because we continue to ask Jesus to do things for us will continue to partially believe that he can do all things, BUT. I want to tell you that everything in your life that you believers ask for it has been given to you because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross and all that he left us with { Holy Spirit} confirms that all we need so believe and its yours.....
Change your words from....
Jesus will to Jesus has
because as John 19:30 declares that ''IT IS FINISHED''...
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