Friday, December 9, 2011

''ALL''Things Work Together for Your good!!!!!!!

Romans 8:28 says: 
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

To me this is one of the greatest encouraging scripture it has pulled me out of a few low periods in my life, and this is how!!!!!

Paul says '' AND WE KNOW'' WHO IS WE???? 

Paul is referring to not the religious people but the one's that have a personal relationship with Christ, He's refer's to this as a family the ''True Christians'' the ''true believers'' ''WE'' are!!! And before you read this scripture and try to apply it ask your self
Do you have religion or A relationship???

next in this scripture you see Paul says: 
''that God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the Good''
 In case you missed it ''everything'' implies total control of all......

Total control of: Suffering Temptation, Sin, etc.. Everything negative thing that could happen to you GOD causes it to work out For your GOOD***But this is exclusive to those who*****


2nd. CALLED according to ''HIS'' purpose 

If you ''LOVE'' GOD then the understanding is, its his way either way, so no matter what battles you face in life your Love says with my whole heart I trust you.... And if your called According to... (get this not your purpose in life) but HIS purpose for your life then you submit to God's Directive will for your Life.....

So This mean wherever I am in my Walk with Christ my life may seem to be in shambles, everything thrown at me, cant seem to keep my head above water remember.......

Roman 8:28:
 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.


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