Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lanierj's Prayer in Despair

LanierJ's Prayer in Despair

There will be no lack in my house

As the man of this house, I issue a decree over my territory; because I was given the Authority. The decree is "There will be no lack in my house’’. Lord I delight in the challenge of suffering, because it moves me to the next level of my life.
 If something that my physical man feels it can't do without isn’t challenged, than I will never know how to trust you with my whole heart.

 And at this time everything that I depended on has been taken away from me, not to punish but to offer me the opportunity again to lean on the only source I need; and that is You. We have been through to much together for me to ever think that you would leave me in this position without the comfort of the Holy Spirit, so I issue my decree again

''There will be no lack in my house!’

 No weapon formed against me shall prosper. In spite of the current setback I am in, Your presence and Power will never allow me to fail. Just when it seem that all is lost, I look towards You and realize where my strength comes from.

In my appointed time shall I wait until my change comes. I know that your speaking to me through my pain, in a way that if all was normal I couldn’t hear you. Well God, instead of complaining I am going to consecrate myself & leave myself open to the input you want to give me. That I can pour out what I have received. No longer will I ever question you but I will submit to your will for my life and as long as I have You in my life…

‘’There will be no lack in my house’’


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why are you so spiritually blind??????

I was inspired this morning from a preacher cant think of his name right now but he exposed a very familiar verse to me and brought new revelation to me through it 

Isaiah 6:1 says 
It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple

Now naturally we now this was Isaiah call to ministry and he happily accepted in verse 8 after humbling himself before the Lord ...

Now before you can get to him being the '' Gospel prophet'' we have to realize what he had blocking him ALL this time........

Text: Isaiah says ''it was the year KING uzziah died that he saw the Lord''

Isaiah had finally realized that the little king he was serving was keeping him from the manifestation of his purpose..

 My question to you is plain..... What King(s) are keeping you from your Godly purpose??????

We serve little kings of......
Jobs- because we make a decent wage and live comfortably this comes first

A man/woman- thinking that what they give us makes us happy and dependent upon them

Material thing- boasting upon as if they make you the person you are trying to be something your not 

And the sad part about it is that ''society'' says this is life and we agree with the same people doent do anything to help us..........

BUT i come to tell you if that Uzziah doesn't die or you don't kill it  or put GOD first! The most important part of you will be condemned and lost with no direction .......your SOUl

I need you to be able to see GOD for being the reason you have a good Job, money, cars, etc.... but that's just the beginning when you see him for who he is all these things want matter but what will matter is you ''GODLY PURPOSE''



Saturday, November 26, 2011

What God expects from you

Often Time we are caught up in this belief that all we have to do is go to church sing a song put a few dollars in the plate and that would be pleasing to GOD,

 Then we start believing that whenever we do something wrong if i just go to the Church I will be absolved,,

Yes God wants us to honor places of worship that are built unto him, he want us to fellowship with other Christians, worship with each other,

come together for the edification of his kingdom YES he wants that..  But he is much more interested inYOU personally then the Building.

 He wants to change you and refresh the relationship you should have with him. He wants you to be Intimate with him, to desire his presence to meditate on his words and carry out his tasks.....If you read your bible Thats why in the O.T he let the Tabernacle be destroyed by the Phillistines, he let Solomons Temple get destroyed by the Babylonians, And also the second temple  after the post-exile be destroyed by the Romans He wants you to realize its not about fancy Words, nice ''preacher voices''  its about your body he wants as a living sacrafice for him

 He is about builing a relationship with you, The lesson in the Old Testament in my view is ....

When your right with God you will get the blessing and the covenent

But when you sin against god the curses will come.

 If you know the stories you see that God was with them but they continued to do what they felt and then run back to God when it fails


 ''When will they/you learn''


Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Blog

Today is my 30th Birthday Iam so excited to have made it to the 3rd decade of my life So when I see the 3rd or the number 3 it means THE NUMBER OF DIVINE PERFECTION. The Trinity consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are three qualities of the universe: Time, Space, and Matter. To exist (except for God), all three are required. Each quality consists of three elements. Therefore, we live in a trinity of trinities.

So in my 3rd (3) decade of my life I will be perfected, My purpose will be manifested in these years. Iam truly embrassing the fact of my Whole existance will be made perfect in a few years to come, What God wants from me! I have accepted the call, walking in the call, and now God is going to allow me to see my promise. So again I thank God For equipping me with a pupose that gives my life meaning, Joy, and I extend gratitude for breathing breathe into me and TRUSTING me with this task....... 

Thanks LANIERJ.......

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ministry? What are you doing it for........

I have seen many ministries, rather it be singing, dancing, preaching, etc.. Whatever the Ministry you were birthed with come to an end by ''selfish ambition''

James 3:16
''Wherever there is jealousy and rivalry, there is disorder and every kind of evil.''

Ministry- is The act of serving
So How can I serve when I'm looking for ''ME'' to be exalted and not ''GOD''

1st Peter 5:6
 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.

Just because we see other ministries being exalted (lifted up) by God's Favor the human element in us wants to covet or have what they have. We see there names being called, being invited to minister, and sometime making a living off of what they do Just because they are in there ''season''  But we have no Idea what test/trials in Life they had to get that favor. but whatever it was God was pleased with them and blessed them.

Now when we use our Ministry for a catapult  to launch us to another level God will not honor you because of ''selfish ambition''

So I ask you this question

What are you doing ministry for?

If its to build ''YOU'' God will not bless it
If it's to Build ''GOD'' there a good chance of it happening. God wants to use you for his purpose!!!!!!!!

Dont go through life tring to get something from God spend it Giving back to him and his people... And Dont Covet another ministry because they are in an exalted state be humble and ..............WAIT UNTIL YOUR SEASON........ lanierJ....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What Man was called to Be (Take your Position)

What A man is

Men are called to: Lead

Since men have been structured to lead, they are empowered to be in control of every situation with the Word of God being there measuring tool. People lead in so many ways, however the way God has design man to lead is unique and attainable. If men are not God Chasers then there will always be a page missing in men’s life that will render incompleteness until he summons God for direction.

Men are the principle: Provider

It is vitally important that every man provide for himself and for his family. Men are the number one bread winners of the home. He is in harms way of jeopardizing the family security, wealth, and health by not being responsible in this arena. Providing for his families present and future is one of the sure signs of a man taking his rightful place in the home. Providing is his very essence for existence as a man.

Whatever it takes for the family to survive, the man will find a way. Because God has designed the man to provide, he will lead the man to places he need to go to find provision for his family. Man must be responsible enough to move when provision is identified. He must act in a way that that will always portray his ultimate responsibility, that being the provider.

When men are not providers for the home, the home become unsecured, insecure, and incomplete. The Home is in jeopardy of being torn by unnecessary pressure, and unreasonable oppression. This is due to the fact, that the head is not in position but is out of position.

Men are called to be: Mentors

Men are called to be mentors to other men, and young boys, by nurturing them to maturity. The Youth of today is without question living in a shortage of good fatherly mentoring. The many mistakes we made as a child should not be implemented over again in our children’s lives. The best teachers are not the experience, but the instruction we put before them. When there are no mentors, then every child is being subjected to destruction without instruction. Give them the chance of a lifetime by spending time with them, in the Word of God, at there school teaching them a trade, bringing the best out of them, empower them to excel far above there greatest dreams. Men who mentor there children are setting them up for success.

Men are designed to be a: Visionary

When every man seeks the face of God, he is sure to receive vision (insight) for the present and future. Since God has ordained families and desire those families to be furnished and complete. For this to happen, men must be concern about direction, whether new or revamp, they must hear from God for the families’ next assignment. Remember what every man should be looking after seeking him, is for God’s hand in the matter.

Men are called to be the Covering:
Men are to be the covering for the family, He is responsible for protecting and shielding them from hurt, harm and danger, He must assume all responsibilities as the amour bearer. He is that spiritual support to the family when circumstances appear without immediate answers. The man becomes a covering of support, comfort and inspiration. This can only occur when the man is submissive to the will of God. The woman should without reservation look for protection through his godly instruction.

As a Man, how can you improve your leadership traits, especially when guiding a family.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Church ( The Next Generation)

Ok... Guys this is something that really burns me up it is ''TRADITION''

Which means something that has been handed down.
And a lot of It isnt biblical but expected.........

Now Iam currently the worship Leader/ & Minister and the church I belong to and there are certain ''traditions'' the new Generation can do without. I hear some of the more seasoned Christians saying things about older song like '' these were the songs that got US over'' and I totally understand that, Those songs meant something to you they ministered to the core of what storm you had in your life, BUT the next Generation knows nothing about those songs.....

We try to incorporate a more contemporary sound (praise/worship) and we are going up against (devotions) apples and oranges, oil and vinegar they dont mix.

Now Its time for the next Generation to gather those songs that get us over our storms in life so accept our music into your world after all we are you children so allow us to have those moment to reflect as you do........

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mid-day thoughts....

Points to ponder: there Is more to life than just here and now.

1 John 2:17 NKJV

And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

Since I was mDe to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing TODAY????

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Morning Inspiration (The Proclamation of Psalms 118)

This Psalms starts with a request for gratitude ''Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
         For His mercy endures forever''.
Then talks about how they called on the Lord in distress and how he answered 
 ''I called on the LORD in distress; The LORD answered me and set me in a broad place. 6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? 

And on this morning i want to thank God for his everlasting power,protection, and unfailing love because as  I wake up daily I realize that I have another task to do from God. and for this day is a gift from God and my gratitude (thanks) will be to not dissapoint him. If your looking for a blessing you got it he gave you THIS day so all that bothered you in yesterday is now gone, You have a new day and just as verse 24 proclaims 

'' This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.''

1. the Lord made this day, and because of me being able to see this day I have to rejoice and be glad in it so 

Be happy, smile, REJOICE, 


Monday, November 7, 2011

Mid-day affirmation (Purpose)

Points to Ponder: Its not about me.

My life isnt about me and the things I want to do, or the dreams I have (selfish of me to think) but I was created by God for Gods purpose he is my inventor he planned my life before I was conceived ''My life is not my own but to you I belong''

God's conversationto Jeremiah.Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: 
       5 “ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; 
      Before you were born I sanctified you; 
      I ordained you a prophet to the nations

Colossians 1:16 

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

Min Cedric ''LANIERJ'' Jones

Friday, November 4, 2011

Mid-day Affirmation

In our lives it is so hard to stay away from the things we like to do, Its hard to stop eating junk food, buying new suits, shoes, when we have a closet full of them, going places we go, and being around some of the people were used to being around,..... but there is a reason why we are attracted to these things or people and thats because it/they please us in the flesh makes us feel Good but in ever thing there is a cause and effect the cause is it makes us (flesh) feel good but it tears down our spirit ok.....

1. Eating junk food- over a certain period of time will allow our bodies to deteriorate, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.... and we die sooner than later by not taking care of ourselves

2. Frivolous spending-depletes our funds and enables us to save or invest in our future or children's future

3. Going places we shouldn't- activates the flesh and sometimes makes us compromise our decisions making and we fall victim to numerous things

4. Influential Friends (peer pressure)- almost forces us to compromise who we truly are to ''fit in''

the bible says in psalms 1:1
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

you are blessed when you do right walk right, and with the righteous because this people/things can alter your purpose in life
God told abram to leave his country in Gen. 12:1 that country was haran why? because these ppl worship idol Gods and he (GOD) understood that even though I-am calling u to be something great you must 1st leave your surrounding why? because there are just some people you can't change and eventually you would succumb To that lifestyle...OHHHHHH Being comfortable in flesh

So don't be afraid to walk with God and lose SOME friends


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Destined for Greatness

Do you know how I know Iam Destine for greatness? Because the enemy's attacks on me get intense evey time I get to point of sanity the new ''trick'' comes Iam a beleiver that God has to allow somethings to enter into MY atmophere to test MY faith and just like school if your not ready for the test you will fail and repeat the grade but the ones that are prepared have studied they will be the ones to ADVANCE. Iam reminded about how God told Abram to go from his country to a place his has never seen and he would make him the father of many nation, great, and give his descendant this ''promised land'' but there was one problem he had no children and was a very old man @ the tender age of 100 he allowed his barrren wife to give birth @90 to the promised son named his isaac only to ask him to sacrafice him (kill) huh?????? yea but his obed God and God saw that his committment was to him not the promise and he spared his life by his faith. So dont worry about the next level of trial's be ready its an assigment from God


Lanierj's night caps (random)

As I just put my kids to bed covered them in prayer ''tucked'' them in I begin to think about my choices i have made in life. Now I understand the choices we make will affect us in either a negative or positive way  and I know a good percentage of my choices have went toward the negative aspect but there is a song I sing peroidically that say all of my good days out weight my bad days so I want complain why? because God has been so good to me I may not have millions of dollars the range rovers, the 6bed room home in bloomfield but I have God to lead me as long as I ASK GOD to guide my choices stay under his unbrella (will) i understand everything will be just the way its suppose to be I have everything because i have God material things dont make me Iam royalty under Gods kingdom and I just wanted to bless someone who may be going through right now ''choices you make will fail without god's provisions''
