James 3:16
''Wherever there is jealousy and rivalry, there is disorder and every kind of evil.''
Ministry- is The act of serving
So How can I serve when I'm looking for ''ME'' to be exalted and not ''GOD''
1st Peter 5:6
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.
Just because we see other ministries being exalted (lifted up) by God's Favor the human element in us wants to covet or have what they have. We see there names being called, being invited to minister, and sometime making a living off of what they do Just because they are in there ''season'' But we have no Idea what test/trials in Life they had to get that favor. but whatever it was God was pleased with them and blessed them.
Now when we use our Ministry for a catapult to launch us to another level God will not honor you because of ''selfish ambition''
So I ask you this question
What are you doing ministry for?
If its to build ''YOU'' God will not bless it
If it's to Build ''GOD'' there a good chance of it happening. God wants to use you for his purpose!!!!!!!!
Dont go through life tring to get something from God spend it Giving back to him and his people... And Dont Covet another ministry because they are in an exalted state be humble and ..............WAIT UNTIL YOUR SEASON........ lanierJ....
I couldn't have wrote this better... I sure was going to right the same thing on my blog. but I will just post yours. Good Job baby!